What an article in today's issue of THE PILOT re: BELL, BOOK AND CANDLE!

Thrilled that Judson Theatre Company is the subject of a terrific writeup by Steve Bouser in today's issue of The Pilot:


Very, very grateful.

Fayetteville Observer's Rodger Mullen - Questions for Mindy Cohn?

So great to see Rodger Mullen of The Fayetteville Observer blogging about Bell, Book and Candle! As Rodger says, Facts of Life fans--now's your chance!


Some amazing facts about The Facts of Life:
--It was the longest running sitcom of the 1980s
--the show was on the air for 9 seasons: 1979-1988
--there are 209 episodes and three reunion movies
--the series was nominated for Emmys and won a TV Land Icon Award in 2011

Who can sing along with the theme song? (This is the George Clooney season of the show during the "Over Our Heads" years):